[김주영 의사님:] . . Neuropathy Patient and Immune System에 관한 설명을 부탁드립니다.

by 반달 posted Apr 15, 2012 Likes 0 Replies 4


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[님:] . . Neuropathy Patient and Immune System다. 

에 은 다 :

Could Your Neuropathy Be Autoimmune? 
Dr. Nguyen

It's Dr. Nguyen here again. I hope you enjoyed
reading the special neuropathy report I sent you a couple
days ago. As I shared in the last email that report
contains my life's work. Helping neuropathy patients is
my professional passion and calling.

What I am about to share with you right now is extremely
important.Many neuropathy patients have an underlying
autoimmune reaction that is causing their pain, burning,
numbness, and tingling.

19 times out of 20 this is overlooked. Even if you visit
a big diagnostic clinic such as Stanford Medical or the
Mayo Clinic.

I am going to show you that you don't have to have a
'named' autoimmune condition such as Multiple Sclerosis,
to have 'autoimmune reactions' that are causing havoc in
your body, especially your nerves. So hang tight and
continue reading, it will be worth it.

Since the toughest cases I have treated over the years
have ended up having an underlying autoimmune mechanism,
meaning their bodies immune system had gone haywire and
began attacking the nerves and other tissues, I know if
I want to have successful outcomes for neuropathy patients
I have to focus on calming the immune system.

When I founded the my Neuropathy Institute I took
everything I knew about functional neurology, functional
endocrinology, functional blood chemistry analysis,
science based nutrition, and functional immunology and
began helping patients in a new way.

"The immune system, and all the things that effect the
immune system (remember everything, effects everything
else), was a huge missing factor in the early part of
my career for the cases I used to consider the toughest..."

For most neuropathy sufferer's today, the immune system
will NEVER be looked at and measured. In fact most doctors
won't consider anything that falls outside traditional
'medicine' as effective.

They fail to look at how diet, GI function, supplementation,
and lifestyle alterations can bring greater function and
happiness to their neuropathy patients.

Every new neuropathy patient at our institute is
evaluated from an immune perspective. It is just too
important to overlook.

If you want to explore a new approach to neuropathy, you can
schedule 2 Complementary, No-Strings Attached visits at our
institute to determine how we can help you visit the
link here: http://sacramentoneuropathydoctor.com/schedule/


Dr. Diem T. Nguyen DC
(916) 478-2634
