대만으로 보낸 메일

by 김금복 posted Jan 17, 2013 Likes 0 Replies 0


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제

지난 주에 대만으로 메일을 보냈습니다.

10일에 보내니, 다음날인 11일에 수신확인된 것으로 나옵니다.

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한국연합회장 김 아무개가 나의 메일에 대해 답장을 안 해준 것이 생각나는군요.

이런 사람들이 교회의 지도자라니, 참으로 한탄할 노릇이지요.

처음의 메일 주소는 대만 수장(로산님에 의하면, 그곳엔 연합회가 없다고 하니 "수장"으로 표현함)의 것이고,

그 옆의 것은 시크러터리의 것입니다.

stevenwu @ twcadventist. org. tw, jimhsu @ twcadventist. org. tw
답장이 오면 이곳에도 공개해 올릴 것이지만,

답장은 없을지라도 1차 목표는 본 것이라 생각합니다.

아래는 대만으로 보낸 메일의 내용입니다.

더 기다려서 답장이 안 오면, 다시 시간을 내어 왜 답장을 안 해주냐고 전화로 확인해볼 생각입니다.


My name is Kim. And I'm a Korean Adventist.
Glad to see you on the Internet.
Today I'd like to talk with you about a serious topic.
SDA church has over the years been emphasizing about human health and the consumption of food for daily living.
It especially advises not to eat any kinds of meat and encourages the practice of being vegetarians.
But about a month ago, when we discussed some of the SDA truths on the internet I heard a very shocking story regarding Taiwanese Adventists.
The person I met on the internet said that Adventists in Taiwan were not
vegetarians, and furthermore they ate meats that God has pointed out as unclean.
He showed me this picture which is attached below.
The students in this picture had been preparing a special meal.
That special meal included pork(豚肉).
I can understand if the meal prepared was beaf, chicken or goat meat... etc.
They are meats that God has pointed out as clean and permitted to eat.
But if I'm to understand this - is that SDA's in Taiwan had prepared pork.
Is this scene in the picture really true?
The person who gave me the information said they were students of Theology in the SDA colleges there.
They are not common students, but the students of THEOLOGY.
And the picture was taken at the camp meeting of Spiritual Training for SDA theology students.
The picture was taken by a certain Korean pastor who visited Tiwan and attended that meeting.
If this is true, this is a very serious problem. How can that be?
From what I know, eating pork anywhere in the world is unclean, and all of you should have already known about it.
[ 중략 ]
We are of one Lord, one faith and one baptism.(Eph 4:5)
I've heard that the food in the picture is a traditional dish of Taiwan.
But we should not break the words of God for the sake of our tradition.(Matt 15:3)
Is it reasonable that we should persist and continue to kill a human being to eat their flesh insisting that it is our tradition if we come from Africa?
I hope you can inform me that the picture is real or not and tell me about your opinion.
I'm very sorry to comment about this regretful story.


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