지금 우리 모두 - 손에 손 잡고 - 노래 부르며 다시 시작할 때 입니다.

by 잠 수 posted Jan 02, 2011 Likes 0 Replies 2


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제

새해가 밝았습니다.


이 누리에 환한 소망의 빛 줄기가 비추도록


다 같이 손에 손 잡고 전진합시다.






See the fire in the sky

We feel the beating of our heart's together

this is our time to rise above

We know the chance is here to live

forever for all time

hand in hand we stand

all a cross the land

we can make this world a better

place in which to live

hand in hand we can

start to understand

breaking down the walls tha

tcome between us for all time



Everytime we give it all

we feel the flame eternally in side us

life our hands up to the sky

the morning calm helps us to

live in harmony for all time


hand in hand we can

start to understand

breaking down the walls that

come between us for all time



hand in hand we can

start to understand

breaking down the walls that

come between us for all time

hand in hand

hand in hand

hand in hand





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