대총회가 꿈꾸는 변화와 혁신 - 이런 식으로?

by 김주영 posted Oct 13, 2013 Likes 0 Replies 6


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제

15, 6년 전

내가 속해 있던 합회장을 선출하는데

외부 기업 컨설팅 회사를 고용해서 자문을 받고 

그 결과가 결정적이었다는 이야기를 듣고 

놀라 자빠진 이후로

교단이라는 기업에 대해 다시 생각하게 되었다. 

이제는 좀 더 본격적으로 (노골적으로?^^) 

기업 노릇을 하고 있는 것 같다. 

교단 공식 뉴스기관인 애드밴티스트 뉴스는 오늘 

2013년 대총회의 Leadership, Education, and Development  교육프로그램에서

전 세계 400 여명의 지도자들에게 

월스트릿  저널이 미국에서 가장 영향령있는 경영 전문  thinker 라는

Gary Hamel  을 초청해서 강의하게 했다는 소식을 실었다. 


실험과 변화를 강조했다고 한다. 

교회지도자들은 이전의 전통에 안주하지말고

항상 실험하고 변화해야지 

안그러면 망한다는 것이다. 

"We do not worship the tradition, we worship a risen Lord!"

우리는 전통을 예배하는 것이 아니라 부활하신 주님을 예배합니다

실리콘 밸리의 창의적인 기업들을 예로 들면서

안식일교단도 그런 기업들처럼

혁신 Lab 이라도 운영해야 한다는 말도 했다. 

구구절절 맞는 말씀이다. 

드디어 대총회도 

변하지 않으면 죽는다는 것을 깨닫기 시작한 모양인데...

한 구석 마음이 매우 찜찜하다.

그런 얘기를 

왜 비지니스 전문가들한테 들어야 했나?

성경에서 우리 원래 배우지 았았나?

안식일교회 정신이 원래 그런것 아니었나?

그리고 우리 일부 신학자들  목사들이 그런 얘기를 할 때는

왜 귀를 막고 있었나?


이 교단의 책임있는 (어용!) 신학자들 선생들 무슨 장들은 

아직도  정체성 타령이나 하고 있지 않나?

왜 아직도 안식일학교 교과와

평신도들에게 가르쳐지는 것들은

하나도 변하지 않은 것들 뿐인가?


벌써 오래전부터 기업처럼 먹고 움직이고 생각하고 있었으면서


'하나님의 교회 

세천사의 기별

남은 무리

때가 얼마 남지 않았다...'

그래 결국 교단은


기업 모델이라야 먹히는구나.

'이런 @#$%^&*&^%$#@!!!' 이라는 느낌에

시월 어느 좋은 아침에

기분이 잡쳤다. 

교우 여러분

생각하는 백성이라야 산다. 


Management expert Hamel exhorts Adventist leaders to encourage ‘radicals’

Gary Hamel speaks to Adventist Church leaders on Friday, October 11. [photo: Ansel Oliver]


October 12, 2013 | Silver Spring, Maryland, United States | Author: Mark A. Kellner/Adventist Review and Ansel Oliver/ANN

One of Silicon Valley’s brightest minds challenged 400 world leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to create a climate of innovation at every level of the denomination.

“"I think aspiration is the best insurance against irrelevance," management thinker Gary Hamel declared in a keynote address to the Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) training program, which preceded the October 11 opening of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists’ Annual Council. "No organization ever outperforms its own aspirations."

Hamel, cited by The Wall Street Journal as the world’s most influential business thinker, encouraged leaders to be aware of changing climates in their constituencies. Overall, he said, society is changing the way it views and interacts with institutions such as the church, sometimes rendering those institutions less effective: “Every successful organization is successful until it’s not,” adding, “as human beings, we are all susceptible to denial.”

The LEAD program is part of an effort to introduce Seventh-day Adventist Church decision-makers worldwide to current innovations and best practices in leadership.

Hamel is a founder of Strategos, an international management consulting firm. His books include “What Matters Now,” a guide to building organizations that thrive amid uncertainty and shifting priorities.

He urged Adventist leaders to facilitate experimentation and change within the organization’s ranks: “The pace for change is ultimately the question of how much experimentation is going on inside that organization,” Hamel said. “The job of every leader is make sure that change always seems more exciting than standing back.”

Hamel reminded his audience that while divinely-given truths are eternal, the structures of organizations to communicate those truths can and should adapt to the times: “We don't' worship tradition, we worship a risen Lord,” he said.

Drawing from his consulting experience at the epicenter of America’s high technology industry, the famed “Silicon Valley” area between San Jose and San Francisco, California, he noted that Google strives to have 5,000 experiments aimed at improving the firm’s computer search technology every year, with the expectation that a significant number will yield results for the firm.

"Basically every large corporation has an innovation lab in the Silicon Valley, he said. "Maybe the [Seventh-day Adventist] Church needs an innovation lab, too."

Hamel said that while the church is committed to redemption, renewal and reconciliation, there are times when established programs, policies or practices obscure the core message.

“The only way you would really know you are committed is if you were willing to sacrifice some of those habits, some of those structures, to those commitments,” he said.

G. T. Ng, executive secretary of the Adventist world church, said Hamel's earlier presentations to the Secretariat department sparked the invitation to address the leadership at this year’s Council. Ng said the church can learn much from Hamel's message. 

"The church at different levels could do more to overcome the inertia to change in terms of methodologies, to maximize the use of technology, to keep pace with a fast changing world," Ng said. "We probably could do better in empowering the rank and file for mission by removing or reducing red tape. In [Secretariat] we have already taken steps in that direction.  The South Pacific Division's example of downsizing in order to allocate more money for mission is a good example."

The LEAD conference began Thursday evening with major presentations that featured research on the church’s health message.

Fred Hardinge, an associate director of the world church’s Health Ministries department, addressed scientific evidence underlining the Adventist health message. After citing numerous studies backing up the various point, he noted that merely presenting health education is not sufficient.

“This message is not to be separated from the gospel message. Some of the health promoting effects of the health message have been confirmed by science, but today’s most skillful and perceptive scientist cannot bring the dead to life,” Hardinge said. “Jesus is the only life giver, and He is the only health giver.”

Kathleen Kuntaraf, also an associate Health Ministries director, discussed how Seventh-day Adventist health principles can help fight against non-communicable diseases. “God truly cares for us and gave us this wholistic packaged prescription for our own good,” she said. “However, the struggle between making good and bad choices for our health is a continuous one. 

And Peter Landless, who recently assumed leadership of the Health Ministries department, noted the end-time importance of sharing health education with the world at large: “The world is facing unprecedented challenges both in the developed countries and in the emerging economies by the issues of obesity, type II diabetes, hypertension, tobacco-related diseases and coronary artery disease. We are called not only to practice temperance in our lives, live the health advantage that has been so generously given to us but also to share it with a broken and dying world.”

Following Hamel’s Friday morning message, hypothetical and actual case studies of leadership situations were presented to the church leaders. A drama team of students from Washington Adventist University presented a skit pitting the arguments of “Dr. Evan Keel Church” against those from member “Youneeda Change,” asking the audience to decide how best to implement change. 

Two other case studies, though hypothetical, also reflected challenges many administrators face. One centered on an Adventist hospital that was once a local leader, but had fallen on hard times, and the other concerned a dynamic pastor who, when elevated to a leadership position, was unable to gain cooperation and began to “steamroll” his positions through. In each of these instances, audience questions were designed to guide leaders into a greater understanding of how to deal with, and improve, such situations.


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