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by 아기자기 posted Nov 05, 2013 Likes 0 Replies 0


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라시에라 생물학과 과장인 Dr. Lee Grismer 교수가

지난 10월 말에 갑자기 경질 되었습니다.

그가 경질된 이유는

그가 생명체가 수 백 만 년에 걸쳐 

서서히 진화했다는 진화론을 가르쳤다는 것과

생물학 강의 도중 진화론을 인정하지 않고

7일 만에 세상을 하나님이 창조했다는 짧은 창조론을 고수하는

학생들을 무시하고 바보 취급했다는 이유입니다.

생물학 교수가 생물학 시간에 진화론을 가르치지 않고

7일 창조론을 가르치면 그는 더 이상 생물학 학자나 교수가 아니라

그냥 믿음이 좋은 목사나 신앙인일 뿐 아닌가요?

그러면 무슨 학문이 필요하고 연구가 필요하고 대학이 필요한지 묻고 싶습니다.

LSU Removes Dr. Lee Grismer as Chairman of the Biology Department

by Sean Pitman


It has recently come to my attention that La Sierra University has quietly taken the chairmanship of the biology department away from Dr. Lee Grismer and given it to Dr. John Perumal (not updated on LSU’s website until after October 17).

From the church’s perspective, this certainly is an improvement since Dr. Grismer is an ardent evolutionist who has long advocated for slow evolutionary changes and common ancestry for life on this planet over hundreds of millions of years.  His publications and media appearances also reflect this position and he has shown little patience for students who wish to discuss or even mention the Adventist position in his classroom – and has told such students that those who hold to the Adventist position on a literal 7-day creation week are ignorant and stupid and are even the ones who “fly airplanes into buildings.” (Link)

Dr. Perumal, on the other hand, is supportive of the Adventist position on origins as far as I’ve been told (I have not met him in person).  So, it certainly is a positive step to have, after many years, a department chair at LSU who is actually supportive of the Adventist position!

It is still concerning, however, that LSU continues to maintain and hire neo-Darwinists and/or theistic evolutionists to teach in its science and even religion departments.  I am also unaware of any active support, from either the science or religion departments at LSU, regarding the Adventist position on a literal 7-day creation week.  No one seems to be giving lectures on this topic, favorable to Adventism, at LSU.  It seems to me, then, that AAA accreditation should have been withheld until this situation is rectified by LSU.

It is, however, a positive step in the right direction that the new chair of the biology department favors the Seventh-day Adventist position on origins.  This news is certainly encouraging. Additional information along these lines, from either the Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA) or LSU would most certainly be welcome as well – such as any lecture materials or presentations planned which aim to highlight the Adventist perspective on origins in a positive light.  Perhaps inviting, on a regular basis, some well-known and well-respected advocates of the Adventist position to give lectures at LSU.  This would go a long way in helping to ease the concerns of many over what is being taught at LSU regarding the topic of origins – those like Dr. Leonard Brand or Dr. Arthur Chadwick come to mind . . .



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