[문화/정치] . . 웃기는 로드맨(Dennis Rodman) 농구선수 . . Happy Birth Day to U - 김정은!

by 민초5 posted Jan 09, 2014 Likes 0 Replies 0


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[화/치] . . 는 맨(Dennis Rodman) 수 . . Happy Birth Day to U - 은!

1. 북한도 많이 변했다. 귀거리, 눈섭거리, 입술거리에 - 얼굴이 장관이다!

김일성 정권 시대라면, - 어림도 없는 일이겠지만 . . .


2. 술김에 말 한번 잘못했다가, 혼지검을 당한다. 사과하는 것을 보니 - 양심은 조금 남아있다!


By James Pearson and David Chance

SEOUL (Reuters) - Retired U.S. basketball star Dennis Rodman apologized on Thursday for suggesting that an American jailed by North Korea was himself to blame for landing in prison, adding that he was upset at the time and had been drinking.

Rodman, who calls himself a friend of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, caused a furor with his comments on Kenneth Bae, an American missionary imprisoned by Pyongyang. Rodman is visiting North Korea with a group of fellow U.S. basketball players.

"I want to apologize. I take full responsibility for my actions, Rodman said in a statement issued by his American publicist.

"It had been a very stressful day. Some of my teammates were leaving because of pressure from their families and business associates," Rodman said. "My dreams of basketball diplomacy were quickly falling apart. I had been drinking. It's not an excuse but by time the interview happened I was upset. I was overwhelmed."

He added: "I embarrassed a lot of people. I'm very sorry. At this point I should know better than to make political statements. I'm truly sorry."

Rodman's current visit to North Korea, his fourth, has drawn criticism from human rights activists and Bae's family after he appeared to suggest in an interview peppered with obscenities that Bae, rather than the North Korean authorities, was responsible for his incarceration.

Bae's sister, Terri Chung, has said her family was outraged by Rodman's comments and that he should use his access to the North Korean leader to advocate on Bae's behalf, rather than "hurl outrageous accusations."

"It is clear to me, however, that there is nothing diplomatic about his trip," she said in a statement earlier on Thursday. "He is playing games with my brother's life."

But Chung later issued a separate statement saying that her family had accepted Rodman's apology.

"As Rodman has stated, being drunk and stressed is not an excuse for what he said, but we acknowledge he is human and we all do make mistakes," Chung said.

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In this undated photo provided by the family of Kenneth Bae, Kenneth Bae, poses for a photoposes for …

"Our greatest concern remains the health and freedom of my brother Kenneth," she added. "We hope and pray that Rodman's comments and ongoing antics have not further endangered my brother. Kenneth's health and freedom are precarious."

Bae, 45, was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for state subversion in North Korea, where he was detained in 2012 while leading a tour group. North Korea's Supreme Court said he used his tourism business to form groups aimed at overthrowing the government.


On Thursday, Rodman accompanied Kim on a trip to the Masik Ski Resort.

A source with direct knowledge of Rodman's itinerary said the 52-year-old took a helicopter to a multibillion-dollar, luxury ski resort that is seen as one of Kim's showcase projects, but which has been condemned by some observers as a waste of money in a country where most of the population is malnourished.

The source declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the issue.

On Wednesday, Rodman led a chorus singing "Happy Birthday" to the leader of the isolated and heavily sanctioned country at a basketball match that Kim attended with his wife.

North Korean state media said the song was "reflecting (Rodman's) reverence" for Kim Jong Un, and that he had organized the game as a gift for his birthday, confirming for the first time the leader's date of birth. He is believed to be 31.

The Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of North Korea's ruling Workers' Party, dedicated its front page to coverage of the basketball game and published photos of Kim sitting and laughing with Rodman.

"Dennis Rodman said he was overjoyed and teared up when he met the Dear Respected Marshal again," the newspaper said.

The fading basketball star's trips had previously been financed by Irish bookmaker Paddy Power, although it has now withdrawn its funding.

It is not known whether Rodman has the capacity to fund another trip. North Korea rarely pays for this kind of visit, according to experts on the country.

Rodman has described Kim, who has been in power for just over two years, as his friend.

Kim has presided over two long-range rocket launches - banned under U.N. sanctions due to Pyongyang's nuclear weapons and proliferation efforts - a nuclear test and last year threatened to attack South Korea, Japan and the United States.

Last month, his uncle Jang Song Thaek was executed in one of the biggest and most public purges undertaken in North Korea, which has been ruled by the same family for three generations.

Jang is just one of hundreds of thousands North Koreans who have faced death or imprisonment in the North, where an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 people are in political prisons and forced labor camps, according to rights activists.

Defectors have testified to witnessing summary executions and rampant human rights abuses on North Korea. They have said they were starved, beaten and abused in work camps where many die and that babies born in the camps were killed.

While North Koreans suffer from food shortages and malnutrition, according to U.N. assessments, Kim has pushed ahead with big building projects such as the Masik Ski Resort.

South Korean officials estimate it cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build and North Korea aims to make $43.75 million in annual profit from the resort, according to documents prepared for potential foreign investors. It expects up to 5,000 skiers to visit per day.

(Additional reporting by Doina Chiacu in Washington and Dan Whitcomb in Los Angeles; editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan, Stephen Powell and G Crosse)

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m --- Music ~ ~ ~ (for Test only, no music!)


강 존경

릴리스의 아담의 생성 날짜

데이 튜브는 산소 호흡기의 방출의 코에 삽입

아담의 창 리브를 찔러 하나님의 creation'm은의 가능성이었다

모든 농부는 yirang 정적 ildeut을 갔다

물과 피가 촉발 ribs'm 깜박에서 흘러

급하게 한쪽 씰 엔 오픈

일부 개 인해 갈비뼈에 여성의 흐릿한 의식에 유입 Bolt'm

현재 심장 박동 부르르의 ildeun에 높은 압력의 짐승 같은 느낌

화산과 같은 두 peaks'm는 ATDA 상승

여기에서 다시 Hilly'm

 방정식으로 사람을 창조함

  하나님이 하나님의 형상대로 사람을 만들었다는 성서적 창조 설화는

물리적인 형상의 닮음만은 아닐 것이다.

하나님을 닮았다는 말이 무엇을 의미하든지간에

사랑은 포함되어야한다

사랑의 생성은 방정식과 같다.

방정식이란 미지수(未知數)를 품은 등식(等式)

그 미지수에 어떠한 특정의 수치를 넣었을 때에만 성립되는 등식을 말한다.

그 미지수를 방정식의 근()이라고 말하며

그 수치를 구하는 것을 방정식을 푼다고 말한다.

이 미지수의 근은

어떤 함수에 있어서 독립 변수의 값이 미소한 변화에 응하는

함수의 값의 변화를 말한다.

이 논리는 사람과 짐승과의 값의 차이를 논하는 미분학적 방정식이다.

흙으로 빚으신 근의 수치는 독립변수이며

미분학적 논리에 의해 아이큐가 생성된다.

짐승들도 사람을 닮은 데가 많다.

입도 있고 오장 육부 등 있을 것은 다 있다.

뇌에서 작동하는 영양정신 등

극히 적은 아이큐까지를 포함하고 있다.

그러나 전기를 켰을 때 생성되는 열과 빛은

절대 에너지의 양에 비례한다.

이것이 짐승과 사람의 다른 점이다.

사랑은 창조물이 아니다.

사랑은 하나님께서 친히 빚으신 흙과 생기의 결합에서 얻어진 값이다.


더 깊은 연구를 위해서 다음을 기대하자. 페이지 수를 아끼기 위해 다음 연구사항을 답글난에 대신할 까 합니다.  

아담과 이브 평생 노동하는 동안  출산,

맹렬한 급류 himyeo 반동 사고에 치여 죽게 푸시

동안 하늘을 향해 조용히 맑은 코스타

'잠 해요

약이있다   (30)  집은 무덤에있는 책에 대해 말을 초기에

나는 잠이 바로 당신처럼 갈비뼈에 창이었다 해요

그리고 떨어져 크로스 모양의 shadow'm 무덤을 떠나지 않을 팔,


내가 이브의 동상을 선택한 것은 wonyiyi  여기.

이 때문에 여자의 자궁은 영원  제로.

그것은 너무 구축 여기에서 확대하게 될 것입니다  .

이 형상의 홈이 있기 때문에 0입니다  .

