요나의 표적 4중 적용 (영문판)

by 김운혁 posted Oct 20, 2014 Likes 0 Replies 0


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Hello. Church Family.

This is Daniel Kim.

I would like to share my understanding about the Sign of Jonah and 2nd coming of Jesus.

(1) Jesus was incarnated as human and served as Human for 30 years before He get annointed by holy spirit and baptism of water.

B.C 5 Baby Jesus =====> 30 years of Ordinary Human Life ====> Glorified by Holy Spirit. # this is Sign of Jonah. thee days and three nights. (Eph 4:9)

(2) Jesus served as Messiah for 3 years from Nisan 1st 27 AD through Nisan 18th 30 AD. He got baptized by crucifixion so he got glorified.(Mark 10:38) # This is Sign of Jonah.

(3)Jesus was in the tomb for three days and three nights as substitute. He died on Wednesday and stayed in the tomb thursday, Friday and saturday then He resurrected on sunday. He got glorified by coming out of the tomb as king of life. # This is Sign of Jonah.

(4) Jesus will be glorified by restore His Authority after one thousand millenium when New Jerusalem Temple coming down. it will take 3000 thousands years from Crucifixion. "destroy this temple, I will raise it up for three days" Jesus is building New Jerusalem temple for three days. which means for three thousand years.

" To the Lord one days as one thousand years" 2nd peter 3:8. Jesus gave key of heaven to Peter. (Mattehw 16: 19). This is sign of Jonah.

# Conclusion : Sign of Jonah is still in the process. Jesus has been displaying the sign of Jonah from the Crucifixion until Third Advent. Since Jesus died on Wednesday in 30 A.D, Third coming of Jesus will be 3030 A.D

How do we know the 2nd coming of Jesus.

the wisest person in the human history was Solomon. God gave him wisdom. He knew that Jesus is coming back on on fullmoon.

Poverb 7:20 says " husband is coming back on fullmoon"

when we think of the Exodus and Arrival at the promised land, we can easily find out when Jesus will come.

Abib 15th was the day of Exodus and of Arrival at the promised land, Cannan.

Why same day. Abib 15th.

As Israel was following the Jehovah's Pillar of Cloud, it is not Coincident. (Josh5:11).

Jesus is coming back on Abib 15th, fullmoon day.

‪#‎Hosea‬ 6:2 is important.

Jesus Jesus said I will be resurrected on the Third day , He didn't mean neither the day after tomorrow nor the following day of the day after tomorrow.

The reason Jesus called sunday as "third day" is because He was talking about it based on High Sabbath. High Sabbath means Higher than weekly sabbath. which means High sabbath shadow over weekly sabbath. it means over rule the weekly sabbath. High Sabbath was Thursday in the passion week. it was Abib 15th. it means Friday was first day from high sabbath. Saturday was Second Day from High Sabbath. Sunday was Third Day from High Sabbath.

keep this in your mind when you read Hosea 6:2.

He will revive us after 2 days = 2nd coming of Jesus = 2030 ( this is 2000 years later after crucifixion)

He will lift us up on the third day = 3rd coming of Jesus = 3030( this is 3000 years later after crucifixion)

# the Name of Our Church is really Glorious.

Seventh Day Adventist : this means we are those who believe Jesus is coming back on seventh day. the question is when is the true seventh day.

when we look at passion week. there you can find "high Sabbath" or " Great Sabbath" (John 19:31) this is about Abib 15th.

Abib 15th = Great Sabbath.

Saturday = Sabbath.

When Jesus said " it is finished" on the cross, it is much more significant than when he said "it is finished" in the time of creation of this planet.

He created this planet by word, but this planet had fallen.

but by saying "it is finished" on the cross, there will be no more falling in the new heaven and earth. it will be universal blessing.

Jesus re-created this whole universe on the cross and the result is tremendous. He made whole universe where it is impossible to be falling ever again.

Saturday sabbath is to remembrance of creation of this planet by His Word.

But Abib 15th is remembrance of Salvation of Universe by His Sacrifice. that is why Abib 15th is Great Sabbath.

let us question ourselves : Which one is true Seventh Day sabbath between Abib 15th and Saturday.

Abib 15th. Because Abib 15th is Greater than Saturday Sabbath.

The day Jesus come is described as "great day of the Lord" . as you can see the word" great " is same word in "Great Sabbath".

Jesus is coming back on Abib 15th. and Our Church Name "Seventh Day Adventist" has Great Prophetic Message in it from the beginning.

God has been leading us from the beginning.

I am attaching the prophetic chart that I made which will give you conviction about 2030 Second Coming Truth.

please open your heart and ask your self this question.

Would you have join to the advent Movement if you were in the time of William Miller?

Sister Whtie said, those who didn't join to the campain in 1844 by saying "no body knows the day or time of the Lord", doesn't really love Jesus.

I truely believe Jesus is coming back on April 18th, 2030.

please take a look at the chart and let me know if you find anything wrong. I am opened minded.

I am simply sharing burden in my heart. please pary when you open the Bible.

God is almighty and merciful.

thank you.

God bless all of you

forgive me for bad english but I believe Holy Spirit will help you understand the meaning.
