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by 자연인 posted Mar 12, 2015 Likes 0 Replies 0


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암을 치유하는데 도움이 되는 3가지 음식

Three simple things shown to help heal cancer – 2/23/15
Read at: http://www.naturalnews.com/048730_ca...n_therapy.html


암을 치유하자고 아무리 자선기관의 자금이 주어져도 암산업계는 이 돈을 기만적인 암치유기술에 쓰고, 단순한 암치유법이 있다고 해도 그런 앎을 방해하는 행위를 계속하고 있으니 한탄하지 않을 수없다.

사실 암산업계는 늘상 특별한 식물을 구하려 하고, 특허를 내려고 한다, 그래야만 자기들만 큰돈을 벌어들일수있기 때문이다.

자 이제 간단한 세가지 음식을 알자, 그걸로 하루의 암치유 식품을 얻는데 수천원밖에 들지 않는다. 올바르게 먹는 것이 암을 이겨내는 길이니 말이다.


(NaturalNews) With all of the funds raised from various charitable events geared towards snuffing out cancer, and the industry using this money to try desperately to find that "elusive" cancer cure, it may seem counterintuitive that there are simple solutions to heal cancer.

In fact, while the cancer industry looks for that special plant and patent so they can charge ludicrous sums of money for your "cure", you could be sitting at home doing a combination of these three things for dollars a day. Combined with the right diet, it just may be the simple answer you have been looking for.

과일쥬스는 끊어라 Juice fasting

쥬스를 끊는 목적은 우리의 소화기관에 휴식을 주려는데 있다, 그렇게 하면 가외의 에너지가 우리의 병든 세포를 제거하는데 투입될수있는것이다. 또 과도한 영양도 제거하고 축적된 노폐물과 독성을 제거한다. 그렇게 해서 몸은 치유할 여건이 조성되고 면역과 다른 조직을 재생해낸다.

특별한 연구가 보여주는 결과는 단식을 하는 환자는 케모 치료를 받은 부작용을 줄일 수있다는 것이며, 암세포의 성장을 줄일 수있었다.

The purpose of juice fasting is to give our digestive system a rest so that extra energy can be used to rid ourselves of diseased tissues, excess nutrients, and accumulated wastes and toxins. It also creates an environment for the body to heal and regenerate different areas of the body, including the immune system.

One particular study conducted on the effects of fasting patients showed that those who included fasting in their therapy had fewer side effects from chemotherapy, and it slowed down the growth of tumors and even eliminated the threat of cancer in some patients. As noted by Research Professor Valter Longo, University of Southern California:

"What we are seeing is that the cancer cell tries to compensate the lack of all these things missing in the blood after fasting. It may be trying to replace them, but it can't. The cell is, in fact, committing cellular suicide."

These researchers also noted that fasting essentially "flips a regenerative switch," which prompts stem cells to create new white blood cells, which in turn begins to regenerate the entire immune system. They also found that prolonged fasting reduces the enzyme PKA, which is linked to a hormone which increases cancer and tumor growth.

Maybe it's time to dust off the juicer and get those green veggies, herbs, and low sugar fruits in liquid form.

대마씨 기름 Cannabis oil

70년대 중반 이래로 의과학자들은 대마 화합물이 암세포에 특별한 효과를 낸다는 것을 알았다. 비록 주류언론이나 암산업계는 대마 기름이 사용에 대한 정보를 억눌렀지만 현대과학은 대마 기름이 작용하는 메카니즘을 알게됭ㅆ다.

2008년도에 실험실에서 얻은 결과에서 과학진은 대마안의 테트라 하이드로카나비놀 THC 가 암세포를 줄이는 사실을 The Journal Of Clinical Investigation 논문집에 기고했다. 이것은 뇌종양의 치료에 사용되며 다양한 유형의 암을 파괴할 수있었다.

Ever since the mid 70's, medical scientists have been aware of the beneficial effects of cannabinoid compounds on cancerous cells. Thanks to modern science we can now get a glimpse into how it works, even though it is being largely suppressed by mainstream media and the cancer industry.

Laboratory tests conducted in 2008 by a team of scientists and later published in The Journal Of Clinical Investigation showed that the active ingredient in marijuana, known as tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, can be used as a cure for brain cancer by inducing human glioma cell death through stimulation of autophagy. The study also concluded that by the same biochemical process THC could destroy multiple types of cancers. Other studies have also shown that cannabinoids may do their work by various mechanisms including inhibiting cell growth, inducing cell death, and slowing tumor metastasis.

The best part is that the cannabinoids are incredibly efficient, targeting and destroying only cancerous cells, while not affecting healthy, normal cells. They also help with pain-modulation and are very anti-inflammatory. This makes chemotherapy and other cancer drugs look archaic and barbaric, considering their well-known side effects.

커피로 관장하기 Coffee enema

거손 요법에서는 카페인과 팔미티산이란 요소가 간과 혈액을 자극해서 청소해주는 역할을 한다고 설명한다. 카페인은 간의 큰 혈관을 열어주며, 담관을 열어서 담즙을 증가시킨다. 관장은 연동성을 촉진시키며 몸안의 노폐물을 제거한다.

The Gerson Therapy explains that caffeine and palmitates work together to stimulate and cleanse the liver and the blood. This caffeine exposure causes the liver's portal vein and bile ducts to expand which increases the release of diluted toxic bile. The enema fluid triggers peristaltic action and the effective removal of wastes from the body.

Palmitates in the coffee stimulate and increase the production of the liver enzymes glutathione-S-transferase (GST), which help remove free radicals and cancer cells from the bloodstream and help detoxify the liver. As a result, the liver becomes less congested with debris, which allows it to do a more effective job in filtering out other bodily toxins.

유전자변형은 무엇이 문제인가요?


이제 끝난일 : 유전자 변형식품은 사기행위임이 밝혀지다 - 노벨상 수상자의 저서 " 변형된 유전자, 비틀어진 진실

GAME OVER: GMO science fraud shattered by stunning investigative book worthy of Nobel Prize -
Altered Genes, Twisted Truth
– 3/6/15 Read at
: http://www.naturalnews.com/048892_Al...e_Goodall.html


바이오기술로 돈을 만드는 도당이 벌이던 과학적 사기 게임을 끝이 났다. 그들은 식품기억의 사기행위로 국민의 식품에다가 위험한 독성 식품을 여러해 밀어넣었고, 환경을 망쳐놓았다. 그런 바이오기술 산업은 이제 실체가 드러나며 낱낱이 해로운 실상이 드러난다. 이는 3월 20일자로 발간된 새로운 책에 밝혀질 이야기이다.


책의 제목은 ; 알프레드 진스, 비틀어진 진실 - 우리 식품을 유전자변형을 가한짓은 과학을 속여먹은 것이며, 부패한 정부와 함께 국민을 조직적으로 기만했다 - 스티븐 드럭커Altered Genes, Twisted Truth - How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public


(NaturalNews) The science fraud game is over for the biotech mafia. After years of running its corporate con that pushed dangerous poisons into the food supply and the fragile environment, the biotech industry's lies are now exposed and meticulously deconstructed in an exhaustively researched new book launching March 20.

The title of the book? Altered Genes, Twisted Truth - How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public by Steven Druker.

책의 서문에는 살아있는 전설의 과학자라 불리는 제인 구달이 썼는데, 그녀는 평화의 메신저이다. 바이오기술계의 도당은 반과학적인 한심스러운 사기행위를 벌였는데, 이는 존 엔틴이 비판한다. 제인구달은 말할 필요없이 최상의 과학적 통찰을 제시한다. 그녀는 어떤 과학자보다 신뢰의 찬사를 받은 인물이니 말이다.

The Foreword of the book was authored by one of the most celebrated living scientists in the world: Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE and UN Messenger of Peace. The derogatory "anti-science" slur used by biotech operatives (such as discredited biotech shill Jon Entine) against other scientists won't work against Jane Goodall. Her legacy of science is irrefutably extraordinary, and she has received more science awards and accolades than almost any other scientist living today.

제인 구달은 유전자변형 도당이 부패한 바이오기술 산업들과 함께 어떤 사기행위를 벌였다고 말하는가?

그녀는 변형된 유전자, 비틀어진 진실에서 말하길, " 이책은 의심의 여지없이 지난 50년간 발간된 책중에서 가장 중요한 것들 중 하나이다."라고 추천했다.

그녀는 뻔뻔하게 벌어진 부패, 사기, 역정보에 대해 놀라운 진실을 계속 말한다, 그것은 바이오기술 산업체와 식약청이 공모해서 벌인다는 이야기이다.

What does Jane Goodall have to say about the total science fraud of GMOs and the corrupt biotech industry?

In her own words, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth is "...without doubt one of the most important books of the last 50 years."

She goes on to reveal the stunning truth about the outright corruption, fraud and disinformation that now characterizes the biotech industry and the collusion of the FDA:


Altered Genes, Twisted Truth is the most chilling thing I've ever read. It's about the huge conspiracy by the big companies who do genetic modification to keep the public from knowing the truth, to subvert the course of justice.

[GMOs are a] shocking corruption of the life forms of the planet.

... 유전자변형을 저지르는 거대기업이 또 거대한 음모를 펼치는데, 이는 국민이 진실을 아는걸 막자는 것이며, 또 정의의 실현을 억누르는 일이다.

... 일반 국민과 정부의 결정자들은 교활한 엉터리 지식과 수많은 선동술을 펼치는 도당에 의해서 현혹되고 넘어가 버린다.

...the huge conspiracy by the big companies who do genetic modification to keep the public from knowing the truth, to subvert the course of justice.

...the general public and government decision makers have been hoodwinked by the clever and methodical twisting of the facts and the propagation of many myths.

... 수많은 과학계 연구소는 그 과학진과 함께 끝없는 역정보의 홍수에 묵인하고 공모했다.

따라서 스티븐 드러커는 영웅이다. 그는 최소한 노벨상 수상자격이 있다.

...a number of respected scientific institutions, as well as many eminent scientists, were complicit in this relentless spreading of disinformation.

Steven Druker is a hero. He deserves at least a Nobel Prize.

...the commercialization of GE foods occurred through the unbelievably poor judgment -- if not downright corruption -- of the US Food and Drug Administration (the FDA)... it apparently ignored (and covered up) the concerns of its own scientists and then violated a federal statute and its own regulations by permitting GE foods to be marketed without any testing whatsoever.

The evidence further shows how the agency assured consumers that GE foods are just as safe as naturally produced ones -- and that their safety has been confirmed by solid scientific evidence -- despite the fact it knew that no such evidence existed.

...it was this fraud that truly enabled the GE food venture to take off. And he asserts that the fraud continues to deceive the public and Congress, despite the fact that the lawsuit he initiated thoroughly exposed it.

...the mainstream media have been highly selective in what they report -- and have consistently failed to convey information that would cause concern about these engineered products. Moreover, Druker demonstrates that the policies imposed by the media magnates have been, in his words, 'not merely selective, but suppressive.'
