An Abandoned Faith

by 아침이슬 posted Mar 14, 2015 Likes 0 Replies 2


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Happy Sabbath Everyone!

오늘 안식일 아침에 열살의 딸이 한창 믿음의 용사일때 써놓은 시를 올려드립니다.

은혜받으시기를 바랍니다.

An Abandoned Faith

What does an abandoned faith

Do all day?

Does it only sit

Or go outside and play?

It must be really boring

To be abandoned and old

But perhaps an abandoned faith

Is shiny, clean, and gold.

But how does an abandoned faith

Truly feel?

Is it sweet? Is it bitter?

Does it have a foot and heel?

Perhaps God leaves it in good care

Because it’s all alone.

Or maybe, since it’s dead,

He leaves it underneath a stone.

What would an abandoned faith smell like?

Is it sugary sweet?

Does it stay in one place

Or does it soar, fast and fleet?

But there’s always something to think of,

That an abandoned faith can’t compare;

When you put it by a strong faith,

Abandoned ones are only air.  
