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Jesus died on Wednesday in 30 A.D

Do we all know this?

Mt 12:40 sign of Jonah.

the time Jesus spent in the tomb = three days and three nights.

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  • 17 people like this.
  • Woon Hyuk Kim David: I am not sure why you left SDA. I am trying to reform SDA without leaving the SDA. problem is everywhere. you can not find perfect group or denomination on this planet. we need to reform wherever we are. that Is my belief. but I am not saying you did wrong. if you did it with sincere mind, I respect you.
  • Woon Hyuk Kim David: if you study very carefully about the feast days, you can figure out the exact date of Adam and Eve picked forbidden tree. let me know once you figure out.
  • David Armistead Jr. I don't need to even go back that far, like I said, date setting is the problem
  • Woon Hyuk Kim David : I understand. I would like to encourage you to study Daniel 12.
  • David Armistead Jr. Been there, done that. You forget where I came from
  • Woon Hyuk Kim No. I am asking you do it by on your own. do not rely on bible commentary or any pastors. just do it on your own. trust God and ask Him help. important question I have. why only Daniel 8:14 uses "evenings and mornings" instead of "days"? if you figure this out, you will be blessed.
  • Bryant Hayward I think there are some significant misunderstandings here. One, Jesus did not say he would be in the tomb for the days. He said He would be in the heart of the earth for 3 days. That is a big difference. I'll let you figure that one out, but I'll let y...See More
  • Debra Cunningham Montgomery I will say one thing and then I am bowing out of this discussion: whether you believe Jesus was crucified on Friday or Wednesday, that's not what's going to save anyone. A lot of opinions have been expressed here and as these days are becoming more and...See More
  • Woon Hyuk Kim debra : Rome 10:2. James 4:10~12
  • Greggory Hall The problem with people understanding that Jesus was not in the tomb from late Friday afternoon to early Sunday morning is this: The traditions of men....and horrible exegesis (actually...not exegesis at all, but.... eisegesis!). . ...See More
  • Debra Cunningham Montgomery Greggory- I love what you said about what makes a day, straight from Genesis! That's what I've been saying for years as it pertains to the resurrection. There are those who believe that any portion of a day makes up a day- not so !
  • Greggory Hall Not according to God's Word .... and nothing else counts! Anything else is extra-Biblical.... and that opens the door to ANYBODY calling themselves a prophet, and saying anything they desire. I simply say to anyone prophesying anything opposed to Scripture "Do you think God is schizophrenic?" wink emoticon
  • Woon Hyuk Kim you will understand "DarkSayings" if you study proverbs 7:20. read Proverbs 1:6. Jesus has the key of king David. He can open your understanding.
  • David Armistead Jr.
    That got me to thinking.  If this man, considered one of the Bible scholars of today, does not understand that...
  • Debra Cunningham Montgomery This is a very good article that also addresses the "correct" interpretation of what Jesus meant when he said he'd be in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nites: 'After Three Days'
    Church of the Great God, pastored by John W. Ritenbaugh, is a Sabbath-keeping, non-trinitarian...
  • David Armistead Jr. Looking at it objectively, outside of someone else's interpretation makes you ask questions
  • Greggory Hall Yes ..... this is not only well researched and thought out, but well presented and in my opinion correct. The problem with most is that they start their "study" with the presupposition of a Sunday morning sunrise resurrection, and thus....they are alre...See More
  • Woon Hyuk Kim Warning : I Encourage Everybody in this group to read scripture itself. the scripture itself is unleavened bread. we need to eat unleavened bread. be Careful with theologians! they made lots of leaven and fed us. that is why we are so weak and ill. the passover was on Monday in 31 A.D. this is FACT.
  • Greggory Hall Woon Hyuk Kim ..... that statement is silly/uneducated and misleading and potentially dangerous. What do you think the word "Theologian" means? Theology..... (definition) The study of the nature of God and religious belief. Christian Theol...See More
  • Woon Hyuk Kim Greggory Hall : why do you think God gave us Mt 16:6? you need to be careful with pharissees and saducees. who are they? we need to check out by the Bible only whatever we learned from theologians. "Inclusive reckoning?" there is no such thing in the bible. come on.
  • Greggory Hall And that has what to do with the price of eggs in China (as the saying goes)? Nothing.....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!! My position is that I need to be preaching/teaching on the LOVE of God, and Holy living, and meeting the needs of the fatherless & widow...See More
  • Greggory Hall Where did you see me say "inclusive reckoning"......EVER? I think you like putting things in others mouths.....that is called lying. I hope I am wrong on that front.
  • Woon Hyuk Kim Greggory : that is just one example of "leaven of theologians". another example will be the day of sheaf wave. pharissees said the day of sheaf wave is always on Abib 16th. but it is not biblical. that is why we need to be careful with the teaching of theologians.
  • Woon Hyuk Kim Greggory : I am Ok if you teach or preach on the LOVE of God. but try to read Rome 10:2. we are the truth seeker.
  • Greggory Hall Bye....gotta won't answer the question? then bye!
  • Debra Cunningham Montgomery Woon: I understand your concern about using sources outside of the bible. This has to be done with extreme caution and prayer for guidance. Pardon me if I am wrong, there have been a lot of postings, but haven’t you referenced EGW a time or two in th...See More
  • Cynthia Lindsay Williams the Bible says to study to show yourself approval unto God. God would not have us to be ignorant. He ALWAYS gives us clues to work out when things are puzzling to us. Jesus WAS crucified on a Wednesday and the clue is found in John 19:14, 31. Find ...See More
  • Woon Hyuk Kim Cynthia : Destroy this temple , I will raise up new jerusalem temple for three thousand years. ( john 2:19, 2peter 3:8). Do you agree? April 18th, 2030 = the day of 2nd coming.
  • Cynthia Lindsay Williams I agree with the scrpture but to be truthful, I have not sudied the exact day of the 2nd comig yet. I do know it is not far away now, according to the signs He gave us but Jesus said He Himself did not know the exact time of His coming and only the Father knows that. If you have more information, I am open to receive it. God bless.
  • Woon Hyuk Kim Cynthia : if you would, you may join to the group " second coming april 18th,2030" in facebook.
  • Bertin Pelletier Where is the secret rapture
  • Woon Hyuk Kim bible does not support secret rapture. does it?
  • Steve Sifford Genesis:--- creation reads, "and the evening and the morning was the ( first day) etc. and G OD rested on the seventh day and hallowed it. This indicates the day is measured from sun set to sun rise is one day. Check out the bible. Remember God say...See More
  • Steve Sifford Woon Hyuk Kim. Let's not follow a prophet but Christ. Daniel is Gods Prophet , there many interpretations of his dates, but bible says ( "no no one knows the day nor the hour, not even Me, only the Father. ------ truth not lie. Careful trying to set dates for the second coming date.
  • Cynthia Lindsay Williams The word "rapture" is not found in the Bible and as for "secret", the Bible says "EVERY" eye shall see him and He is coming with ten thousand of His angels and with the "sound" of the trumpet". That does not sound so secret to me.
  • Woon Hyuk Kim Steve : As I have given you one real important clue for daniel 12, please study it first. April 18th, 2030 is the last day of 1335 days in Daniel 12. try to study it first.
  • Cynthia Lindsay Williams Woon, I have written down the information and will look into it later when I have more time to really study it. Thanks for the info. God bless.
  • Woon Hyuk Kim Cynthia : Jesus is Cornerstone of New Jerusalem. look Ephesians chapter 2. and also 1Corinthian chapter 6. We need Advent Campaign. God bless you.
  • Cynthia Lindsay Williams Thanks for the info. Have a wonderful day.
  • Debra Cunningham Montgomery Woon Hyuk Kim - thank you for starting this discussion. I don't agree with everything you had to say but I like that you're keeping us on our toes.
  • Woon Hyuk Kim Debra : let us study the bible real seriously. we need to not only listen to what other people says but also open our bible and read the scriptures itself diligently. the end is near.
  • Cynthia Lindsay Williams Amen to that Woon. Amen to that.
  • Woon Hyuk Kim Cynthia : are you familiar with lev 23:11?
  • Greggory Hall No....Steve, it means (very plainly) that a day is from sunset (evening...or, even) to sunset. Research ALL the other areas in the Bible that regard such and it is very obvious this is so.
  • Cynthia Lindsay Williams Woon, Lev. 23:11 refers to the firstfruits to God and has to do with Pentecost. We keep the Feast of Pentecost on that Sunday. What is your understanding on that?
  • Woon Hyuk Kim Cynthia : SDA teaches the sabbath in verse 11 is Abib 15th. but that is wrong. the sabbath in verse 11 is weekly sabbath. This is real serious problem in SDA doctrine. I hope you understand what I am saying.
  • Woon Hyuk Kim we need to reform it.
  • Cynthia Lindsay Williams Woon, Verse 11 does refer to the weekly Sabbath and that makes the day after the Sabbath a Sunday. Like I said, that is the day we celebrate Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended on those who were in the upper room.
  • Woon Hyuk Kim Cynthia : you are right on track. but SDA teaches t

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