조재경님의 글 정정 할 사항

by snow posted Jun 15, 2011 Likes 0 Replies 0


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제

from http://www.educatetruth.com/la-sierra-evidence/two-administrators-one-biology-professor-and-one-board-member-resign/ 



 just to get the facts straight....



진화론 가르치던 교수들이 fire 당했다는게 아니고...


The president and the provost of La Sierra University regret to announce the resignations of four members of our university family.

On Friday, June 10, Board Chair Ricardo Graham requested the resignations of Dr. Jeff Kaatz from his position as Vice President for University Advancement, Dr. Jim Beach from his position as Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, Dr. Gary Bradley from his part-time faculty position in the Biology Department, and Mr. Lenny Darnell from the Board of Trustees.


또한 이번 사건은 진화론과 관계된게 아니라고 하네요.


Please understand these resignations have no connection to the biology controversy.





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