교회 갈래, 감옥 갈래?

by 산골 posted Sep 24, 2011 Likes 0 Replies 6


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제





미국 앨라배마주에서 경범자들에 한해 교회에 출석하거나 감옥에 가거나 선택하게 하는 신개념 형벌이 도입됐다.


23일 (현지시간) 미국 인터넷매체 이그재미너닷컴 등 외신에 따르면 최근 앨라배마주 볼드윈카운티 베이미네트 시의회는 비폭력사범에 대해 이같은 양자택일을 할 수 있는 일명 '사회복귀작전(Operation Restore Our Community)'조례안을 만장일치로 통과시켰다.


교회 출석을 택한 범죄자들은 1년 동안 매주 일요일 교회에 나가고, 담임목사와 경찰의 확인을 받고 법원에 확인서를 제출해야 한다. 1년간 성실하게 교회에 다니면 범죄 기록을 말소해준다.


현재 56개 교회와 성당이 사회복귀작전에 참여했다. 마이크 로랜드 시경찰국장은 "30일간의 약물 치료나 알콜 중독 치료 프로그램도 소용이 없었다"며 "꾸준히 장기적으로 참여하는 프로그램은 효과를 볼 것"이라고 전망했다.


사회복귀작전에 참여한 로버트 게이츠 목사는 "한 사람의 삶이 얼만큼 많이 변할 수 있는지 보여줄 좋은 기회가 될 것"이라고 말했다.

김진희 기자






Offenders in Bay Minette Alabama can choose jail or church

In Bay Minette, Alabama, non-violent offenders are offered something more than prison. With “Operation Restore Our Community (ROC),” misdemeanor offenders will be given a choice.

Attend church every Sunday for a year or sit behind bars. The offender will work off their sentence in either way.

Reported by WKRG News, Bay Minette hopes the new program will truly reform criminals.

If offenders elect the church option, they select their own place of worship. However they are required to check in weekly with the pastor and the police department. If their one-year church attendance is completed successfully, their case will be dismissed.

The ROC program hopes it will change the lives for many people.

Officials say this is a cost-effective option. Police Chief Mike Rowland says it costs his department about $75 per day for each inmate.


If the offender should choose jail instead, they would pay a fine and serve their time.

According to the report, this program does not violate separation of church and state issues because it allows the offender to choose church or jail with a church of their choosing.

Potential problems arise for nonreligious people. Given a choice, what would they do?

“That's no choice at all," Robert Boston said. The senior policy adviser at Americans United for Separation of Church and State told The Christian Post, "The equivalency is so out of whack, it’s ridiculous."

“The lop-sidedness of the two choices is essentially a way of "funneling people into churches," Boston said.

In North Baldwin County, there are 56 churches participating in the ROC program.

Pastor Robert Gates is one of the pastors in a participating church. He said, “You show me someone who falls in love with Jesus and I’ll show you a person who won’t be a problem to society, but that will be a help and an influence to those around them.”

Pastor Gates believes in the program. “It’s an opportunity for people who’ve made some mistakes that can really transform their lives,” he said.

The Operation Restore Our Community Program begins next week.





